hello lovelies! Just wanted to share with you a couple of my favourite face masks i use. I use ALOT of different facial products and im always switching and changing them. Currently im loving 2 masks....
When my face is feeling like it needs a boost of moisture i use Dermalogica Multivitamin Power Recovery masque. I love Dermalogica facials! Alot of celebs like Victoria Beckham rave about using this particular mask. It makes my skin glow like ive been on holiday its fab! I bought it a while ago and it was around £21 for a tube, i bought it online as it was slightly cheaper than the salons and shipped in from the channel islands so i avoided VAT. I usually slap it on and leave it to soak in for about 20-30 mins. The mask is packed with vitamins and is really soothing, it smells delicious like coco butter. Whats funny as when you first apply it, it is a really thick glossy cream and looks like pale coco butter then when it starts to set on your face it turns a bright yellow/orange colour. One thing i should mention is when you remove the mask rinse most of it off before using a sponge or cloth as i have found that it stains white cloths/sponges yellow. It looks like a fake tan gone wrong! I have tried to show in my photos below:

The other face mask i use is Dermalogica Skin Refining masque. I usually use this if my skin has broken out or feeling spotty. It tends to dry up all the oil and spots. I dont use this mask regularly, only if i have spots as its recommended for people with excess oil production. Its a clay white mask and my skin feels really refreshed and clean when i take this off. I usually leave on for about 20-30 mins and sometimes i leave on overnight to completely dry up my spots. I have to say sometimes it stings me a little this mask if my skin is feeling sensitive. I think this mask was around £15 for the tube i bought online and it was slightly cheaper than buying from a salon.

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