Wednesday, 23 September 2009
Aftercare for Home Spray Tanning
Avoid wearing socks or shoes after tanning as sweating can inhibit the development of your tan and can leave those unattractive white sock marks/lines!
Avoid applying moisturisors or deodorants after you have tanned
Avoid wearing tight clothing for at least 5 hrs
Swimming, showering, and excercise should be avoided for at least 5 hrs after tanning as this can inhibit the development of the tan
Dont shave until 12 hrs after tanning
To maintain your tan you should moisturise regularly (with an oil-free moisturiser)
Avoid long hot baths and showers as they speed up exfoliation
Pat your skin dry after a bath or shower, rubbing your skin may rub off your tan
avoid swimming pools or sea water as these can reduce your tan
Preparation for Spray Tanning
Tanning Tips for Home Spray Tanning
- Shave/Wax at least 24hrs prior to tanning
- Exfoliate, shower and moisturise the night before tanning
- Dont moisturise on the day of the tan
- Dont apply deodorant or perfume as this can turn the tan green!
- Make sure you remove makeup before tanning
- Wear old/dark underwear and loose dark clothing
- Wear flip flops after the tanning
- Paint nails with clear or coloured nail varnish (this prevents staining around the nail area)
Any questions or requests please feel free to contact me
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Contest Winner Prize

A litte look at what it looks blended on the skin....
Next is a The Body Shop eye khol in vibrant emerald. I have already got 2 of these body shop liners in black and blue. These eyeliners are nice and creamy and blend in well. I blended a little of this emerald in the bottom lash line when I was playing around with the eye trio shadows.
Next is the Garnier Caffeine Eye Roll On – treatment for dark circles. Im excited to try this as I have always suffered with dark circles...and I have tired allsorts of products but never found anything that has actually worked! I have seen this garnier product advertised a lot on TV and in magazines but never thought to buy it. I find the only way to deal with dark circles is to try and disguise them as best i can with a good concealer and light reflecting particles makeup. I shall keep you updated on how i get on with this product and whether it makes a real difference as it promises. If it does work i predict its to do with massaging action around the eyes with the metal roller ball.
I am so grateful to receive NAILS INC nail polish in the shade hans road. I have seen this shade online before and been tempted to purchase it – and i always thought it was a bright red from the pictures ive seen. However this colour is more of a pinky red shimmer. The consistency reminds me alot of Nails Inc Brighton. I absolutely adore this colour – it looks fab with my tan (fake of course!). Definitely more of a colour for summer months. This month i have pushed the pinks to the side and I have been loving dark and dirty shades of browns, purples and greys - perfect for this autumn and winter. This polish is a nice addition to my ever growing nail varnish collection :P
Hans Road on the Left (and on the nail), Brighton on the Right....
Thanks again Nicola!
Sunday, 20 September 2009
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
20 Questions
Mobile Phone, Keys, Money, Ipod, Bag, Sunglasses
2. Favourite brand of Make Up
3. Favourite flower
4. Favourite clothing store
Topshop, Zara, H&M....hard to pick just one!
5. Favourite perfume
Chanel No. 5 - love it!! also worn my my nana, mum and aunty...they always steal mine! :(
6. Heels or Flats
Flats definately, i used to wear heels alot but rather go for comfort these days!
7. Do you make good grades
yes! I got A's and B's at School and Sixth Form College. First Class honours degree at uni, and i gained a Masters Degree last year! I work hard, play harder :)
8. Favourite colours
Ooooh gotta be pink!
9. Do you drink energy drinks
Yes! when i was a student i drank tons of redbull whilst studying and doing all nighters! I would also drink vodka redbulls on nights out. I used to get the red bull shakes.....really really bad for you ! I have the odd one now which isnt as harmful or dangerous!
10. Do you drink juice
yeah love juice! any flavour :)
11. Do you like to go swimming?
I love swimming but have to say i rarely go only if im on holiday abroad or if im staying at a hotel with a swimming pool.
12. Do you eat fries with a fork?
yes if im eating a meal in a resturant, but no if im eating junk or takeaway food :)
13. Favourite moisturiser
I dont have a fav, i used several different ones from cheap to the famous, celeb fav tres expensive Creme De La Mar. My favourite at the moment is Elemis :)
14. Do you want to get married later on in life
Yes definately want to get married when i know the time is right!
15. Do you get mad easily
No im pretty chilled out and laid back, most things i let go over my head. But when im mad im MAD!
16. Are you into ghost hunting
yes, i believe in ghosts and spirits - i have had quite a few weird experiences and have the gift also passed down from my great grandma! I dont tend to tell people as they think im bonkers!!
17. Any phobias
18. Do you bite your nails
No im good :)
19. Have you ever had a near death experience
luckily no
20. Do you drink coffee?
Yes lots of it - cant live without a starbucks and love a good cuppa tea also!
Thursday, 10 September 2009
MAC Purple Love that Look collection

MAC prep + prime powder
This is Divina!
Batiste Dry Shampoo