Monday, 14 November 2011

Monday Manicure: Max Factor Nailfinity Ruby Fruit

NOTD - Max Factor Ruby Fruit

Today's Monday Manicure is Max Factor Nailfinity 'Ruby Fruit' which is a lovely glossy dark plum, which almost looks black. I had my mini manicure applied at the Aussie VIP Party by the lovely @OMOGELAGOS. Nailfinity claims to be a long lasting polish that will stand up to any challenge - although it was fairly resistant I got a few chips after 2 days of wearing.

Max Factor Nailfinity costs £5.99 from Boots and you can check out the full range of shades on the Max Factor website, if you can ever get it to load properly that is! 


1 comment

  1. Are these the nails you wore on Saturday. Forgot to compliment you on them. they were so shiny, sultry and plummy! x


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